What describes you best?

What describes you best?

What’s your horoscope? What’s your MBTI personality type? What does your favourite pizza topping say about you? In this day and age, existential questions aplenty. But between us, here’s the only question that really matters: what describes you best? 

Self-awareness is key to improvement, and let’s just say to know who you are is a means to understanding how IPL can best level up your confidence. So come on now, which category do you think you fall under? Give it some thought and we’ll tell you what that means for your IPL journey!

1. The Freshie

Just embarked on your IPL journey and wondering why haven’t you seen full results yet? Patience, child. IPL treatment’s effectiveness might not be immediately noticeable to the naked eye but they sure are long-lasting! If it’s hair removal you’re after, you’ll notice hair in the targeted area thinning and slowing down in growth before eventually disappearing.

Keep coming once every 4 weeks and believe you me, you’ll start seeing results soon enough! And once hair disappears, they’ll be away for a good long while.

2. The Punctual One

Been visiting us every 4 weeks? Give yourself a pat on the back! Baby steps are to be celebrated and it is after all, a sign that you’re getting closer to your hair-free goals!

Our crystal ball tells us that if you’ve been consistent, you will start to see progressive results on your body area soon enough!

3. The Skipper

Oh my, you’re missing your treatments? Not to be a Debbie Downer but stating the obvious: miss sessions and you might just not get the best result! It may even take you longer than planned to achieve the hair-free goals you want.

As our hair growth cycle is about 26 to 28 days, coming in once every 4 weeks is advised to target the hair at the right juncture.

4. The Enthusiast

Wow! Results? Yes, please. Maybe you’re seeing the results you want on the chosen area and it has been a while. So what’s next is you would now like to undergo IPL treatment in another. Here at Japan IPL Express, you easily can! Just speak to your beauty therapist about which body area you want to tackle next. You could even do two areas at the same time, such as your underarms and legs.

Heads up: different body parts may require a different number of Shots™ as it depends on surface area, different hair conditions as well as hormones.

5. The Surprise Guest

If you only pop by regularly, our best guess is that you are on maintenance mode right now! Maybe you’ve already more or less achieved your desired hair-free goals and just drop by every few months for touch-ups. You seize these opportunities to target the random strands that pop up unexpectedly on the body.

It’s no surprise that Japan IPL Express suits you because instead of tying you down with a hefty package, you’re free to come and go as you please, even if it’s just to make a quick trip to zap away stray hairs.

Consistency is key!

No matter which stage of the IPL journey you are at, we always encourage consistent visits so that there’s progress with your treatment. Across 14 outlets islandwide, we’re here if you need us! So walk right in — no appointment necessary, don’t be shy.

Would you like to try IPL? Take the first step today!

Simply register yourself here and receive 20 Shots™ (worth $48) on your first visit!

Posted on 29 April, 2024

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